ferry to Ibiza:
timetable, prices and tickets
Peninsula - Balearic -30% disc. >> Code: SEMANA30 |
The ferry timetables to Ibiza depend on the departure port and the ferry company you are traveling with. The ports from which you can travel to Ibiza are Denia (Alicante), Valencia, and Barcelona on the mainland. You can also travel from Formentera and Palma de Mallorca in the Balearic Islands.
Select the departure point for your journey and you will find all the options available from the port where you want to begin your journey.
Here you have all the timetables and prices to travel by ferry to Ibiza with Balearia, Trasmed (Trasmediterranea), GNV and Trasmapi. You will find here all the information to reserve and buy your ferry tickets.
ferry Ibiza prices
Just like timetables, prices depend on the port of departure, the time of year you're traveling, whether your ticket is one-way or round-trip, the type of accommodation you book (cafeteria, cheap seat, more comfortable seat, or cabin), whether you're traveling with a car or without one, whether you're eligible for any applicable discounts (residents of the Balearic Islands, under 26, over 60, children under 12, children under 2, large families, etc.), and the offers published by ferry companies.
The best way to find out the ferry ticket prices to Ibiza for a specific date is to do a search. Select your origin and destination, indicate your preferred travel date, and the number of passengers using our ferry search engine.
Here you have more information about the most demanded routes by ferryIbiza users: