Ferry to Ibiza

ferry to Ibiza:
timetable, prices and tickets

Peninsula - Balearic
-30% disc. >>
Code: SEMANA30

The ferry timetables to Ibiza depend on the departure port and the ferry company you are traveling with. The ports from which you can travel to Ibiza are Denia (Alicante), Valencia, and Barcelona on the mainland. You can also travel from Formentera and Palma de Mallorca in the Balearic Islands.

Select the departure point for your journey and you will find all the options available from the port where you want to begin your journey.

Here you have all the timetables and prices to travel by ferry to Ibiza with Balearia, Trasmed (Trasmediterranea), GNV and Trasmapi. You will find here all the information to reserve and buy your ferry tickets.

ferry Ibiza prices

Just like timetables, prices depend on the port of departure, the time of year you're traveling, whether your ticket is one-way or round-trip, the type of accommodation you book (cafeteria, cheap seat, more comfortable seat, or cabin), whether you're traveling with a car or without one, whether you're eligible for any applicable discounts (residents of the Balearic Islands, under 26, over 60, children under 12, children under 2, large families, etc.), and the offers published by ferry companies.

The best way to find out the ferry ticket prices to Ibiza for a specific date is to do a search. Select your origin and destination, indicate your preferred travel date, and the number of passengers using our ferry search engine.

Here you have more information about the most demanded routes by ferryIbiza users:

ferry to Ibiza Today

Ferry deals

Ibiza Denia
from 11 € (residents)

For all of you residents in Ibiza island. You can enjoy your holidays to Spain with amazings deals.

You only have to add your resdient number (NIE number) at your booking. Enjoy your holidays!.

Buy >>

Denia Formentera from 50 euros

Now available one of the best offers to visit Formentera. You can find hundreds of boat seats from only 50.00 euros per person, round trip. Discover this beautiful Mediterranean paradise.

You will find the best prices in May, September and October but, even during Holy Week and in summer you can enjoy the island.

What are you waiting for?

Denia Formentera
from 50 euros >>

Denia Ibiza ferry

What is the price of the Denia Ibiza ferry?

Balearia makes the crossing from Denia to Ibiza on two hours or three hours, depending on the type of boat in which you travel. From the most modern Super Fast Ferry to the ferries where you can take your own car.

Find in our booking searcher the best prices and all the offers of the Denia Ibiza ferry route. You will find great offers and discounts. You can not refuse them!.

Timetable and prices >>

Formentera Denia ferry

How do I get to Formentera from Denia?

The best way to get to Formentera is to travel by ferry. And the closest port of the peninsula to reach this island is Denia, in the province of Alicante, a hundred kilometers from both Valencia and Alicante.

From May you can embark on the direct ferry Denia Formentera of Balearia, whose duration is two hours.

In June and September you can enjoy the "Balearia One Day Excursion" to Formentera from 50 euros per person, round trip.

From 60 euros, return, in July and August.

Timetable and prices >>

Ibiza Formentera ferry

What is the best ferry company from Ibiza to Formentera?

If you are thinking about an ecological , cheap and fast way to travel from Ibiza to the neighboring island of Formentera, we encourage you to onboard the Balearia Eco Fast Ferries. Without a doubt, the most respectful way to travel to Formentera.

In just 30 minutes you will be at your destination

For those who want to take their bike or car to the island, Balearia also has other ferry options.

Discover which is the best option for you to discover Formentera.

Timetable and prices >>

Valencia Ibiza ferry

How long does the boat from Valencia to Ibiza take and what is it's price?

The fastest way to travel from Valencia to Ibiza by ferry is with Balearia, whose crossing is 5 hours. These ferries depart at least once a day from the port of Valencia throughout the year. As an alternative to Valencia you can leave from the nearby port of Denia (Alicante) from where it only takes 2 hours.

You can find the best prices and all the offers of Valencia Ibiza ferry routes by clicking on our ferry search engine.

Timetable and prices >>

Ibiza Barcelona ferry

Timetable and prices of Ibiza Barcelona ferries

When the holidays arrive, there is the desire to rest, visit the family and discover new places. From Ibiza you can embark, heading to Barcelona. From where you can follow your path to your destination.

Amazing prices for everyone!

If you are resident at the Balearic islands, do not forget to add your resident status to your reservation to benefit from the advantages and discounts you have.

Timetable and prices >>

Ibiza Mallorca ferry

Day trip from Ibiza to Mallorca by ferry

If you spend your holidays in Ibiza and you want to visit a big city, escape to Mallorca. This island offers you, in one day, the option of the best beaches, bars, restaurants and nightclubs.

Walk through its streets and discover the old town of Palma.

Click on the next button. We offer you all the timetables and prices for your to visit to Mallorca as you have never done before.

Timetable and prices >>



The leading ferry company of the Mediterranean with which we recommend you cross to Ibiza. Modern, fast and ecological ferries.

30 ships

Balearia has 30 ferries that operate in 20 national and international routes in Spain, Morocco and the United States.

I Love Balearia

Our customers love Balearia and we too.

That's the reason we only work with them.

Rookie of 2018 award

In January 2019, Balearia give us the 2018 Rookie Award, which we greatly appreciate.

How to go to Ibiza by ferry with car?

Enjoy your holidays in Ibiza by taking your car with you by ferry. You can enjoy your destination as never before.

By ferry, you can take all the luggage you need, both you and yours. It is not great?

ferry with car to Ibiza >
ferry to Ibiza with car

How much does it cost to travel with car to Ibiza by ferry?

Use our timetable and prices engine to find out the price of taking your car by ferry. Tell us the brand and model of your car and whether its height exceeds two meters in height or not.

Remember that in addition to your car you can embark a trailer, vans, bikes and motorcycles that will make your holidays amazing.

Book your ferry with car >

Large families:
Advantages for traveling by ferry

In all routes of Balearia, also in those traveling to Ibiza, large families (general and special) have discounts on normal fare prices.

Prices >>

Large families travel cheaper by ferry

All members of large families have discounts when traveling by ferry, also to Ibiza, Formentera and Mallorca.

Add your general or special large family number to your booking (in the Bonus section) and travel at cheaper prices than if you are traveling by plane.

In addition, Baleária's ferries have facilities for children and special programming, especially in summer.

prices for families >>

How to buy ferry tickets?

1. From and to

Select the port of Origin and Destination of your ferry trip.

2. Departure and return date

Click on your DEPARTURE date and, if you also need it, on your RETURN date.

3. How many are you?

Tell us how many passengers traveling are you,( Adults and children ).

If you have some kind of discount (large family, residents, ...) you must indicate it.

4. Do you want to take your car?

If you want to get your car by ferry, select the Brand and Model of your vehicle.

Now you just have to press the " Search " botton.

Ferry Ports

Denia (in Alicante) is a beautiful city on the Mediterranean coat. From Denia you can embark to Ibiza (to the cities of Ibiza and San Antonio), Formentera and Palma de Mallorca.

In its port you will find the central offices of Baleária.



Ibiza is, at the same time, the city of modern music and the party but in which you will also find places to rest.

From the port in the city center you can travel to Formentera in the Eco Fast Ferries of Balearia.

The rest of the trips (to Denia, Valencia and Palma of Mallorca) are made from the Maritime Station of Botafoch , the new piers.



San Antonio is the other big city located on the other side of the island of Ibiza. It is 15/20 minutes by car from Ibiza city, the capital of the island.

The ferries leaving from Denia and Valencia are also moored in its port and it is an ideal place to discover its coves and visit the rest of Ibiza.

San Antonio (Ibiza)

San Antonio (Ibiza)

White sand, quiet and crystalline waters are the hallmarks of Formentera , the last paradise of the Mediterranean.

The port of La Savina is the first place you'll arrive when you're in the island. From here you can move by bus, motorcycle or bicycle.



Balearia joins Valencia with the three largest islands of the Balearic Islands, Ibiza, Mallorca and Menorca. The boarding area in Valencia is located in the Moll del Turia in the old hangars of the Copa América.



Barcelona is a cosmopolitan city very well connected to the rest of the world.

Its access is very close to the center of the city, closely watched by the statue of Columbus, the main reference if you are looking the port.



Palma de Mallorca is the capital of the Balearic Islands. A dynamic city, full of life that we invite you to enjoy if you do not know it.

Its port is very close to the city center and the Paseo Maritimo.

Palma de Mallorca

Palma de Mallorca

Everything clear?

If you are already clear about your port of origin and destination ( Ibiza , Formentera and Mallorca are the most requested) you only have to click in the following link and book your ferry tickets.

And start enjoying!

Ferry tickets to Ibiza >>
  • Latest ferry prices to Ibiza from our customers

    ferry Denia Ibiza Bookings and ferry tickets from Denia to Ibiza with Balearia Balearia
    1 van
    + 2 adults
    + 1 dog
    booked on
    Febraury 02
    to travel from
    April 04 to
    April 12
    1 adult
    booked on
    January 30
    to travel on
    January 31
    1 adult
    with car
    booked on
    January 25
    to travel from
    June 20 to
    June 28
    1 adult
    booked on
    March 01
    to travel on
    March 03
    2 adults
    + 3 children
    with car
    booked on
    January 02
    to travel from
    August 01 to
    August 08
    1 adult
    booked on
    January 03
    to travel from
    January 11
    6 adults
    with car
    booked on
    July 19
    to travel from
    July 30 to
    August 03
    2 adults
    booked on
    July 26
    to travel from
    July 30 to
    August 05
    4 adults
    with car
    One day trip
    booked on
    July 25
    to travel from
    July 30 to
    July 30

Other users questions

  • How long does the ferry from Denia to Ibiza take?

    How long does the ferry from Denia to Ibiza take?

    2 hours is the time that the dirct ferry or Balearia's super fast ferry de Balearia takes from Denia to Ibiza.

    If you travel by ferry (slow boat) the ferry from Denia to Ibiza takes 3:30 hours.

  • How much does the ferry from Denia to Ibiza cost?

    How much does the ferry from Denia to Ibiza cost?

    You can book ferry tickets from Denia to Ibiza from 25 euros per person, one way (fees included).

  • How much does the ferry from Denia to Formentera cost?

    How much does the ferry from Denia to Formentera cost?

    The Denia Formentera ferry cost from 50 euros per person, return, if you book the One day trip to Formentera from Denia (Alicante), booking in advance.

  • How long does the ferry from Denia to Formentera take?

    How long does the ferry from Denia to Formentera take?

    The Balearia's crossing by ferry Denia Formentera takes 2 hours total. It is the only direct ferry between Denia (Alicante) and Formentara.

    During winter time there is not ferry conecction doing this crossing. This route is open from April to Octuber.

  • How much does it cost to take the car to Ibiza?

    How much does it cost to take the car to Ibiza?

    from 35 euros you can embark your car, return, from Formentera.

    Prices change if you embark your car from other ports:
    Valencia, from 60 euros
    Barcelona, from 80 euros
    Palma de Mallorca, from 119 euros
    Denia (Alicante), from 120 euros

  • ¿How long does the ferry from Valencia to Ibiza take?

    ¿How long does the ferry from Valencia to Ibiza take?

    5 hours is the time that takes the Balearia's ferry from Valencia ti Ibiza.

    Other company, Trasmediterránea, takes the same crossing in 6:15 hours.

  • At what time departs the ferry to Ibiza on Saturdays?

    At what time departs the ferry to Ibiza on Saturdays?

    Depends on the departure port and the date of the day, the time that the ferry to Ibiza departs may vary:

    from Denia Alicante, usually depart
    at 17:00 hours in winter
    at 08:00, 15:00 and 17:00 hours in summer.

    from Formentera, usually depart
    each half and hour and each hour from the eight in the morning till ten in the evening

    from Palma de Mallorca, usually depart
    at 08:00 and 09:30 hours in winter
    at 08:00 and 09:30 hours in summer

    from Barcelona, usually depart
    the ferry does not depart in winter
    confirmation pendient in summer

    from Valencia
    the ferry does not depart on Saturdays

  • ferry to Ibiza Covid requeriments

    ferry to Ibiza Covid requeriments

    To travel to Ibiza by ferry, at this time, you must present an EU Vaccination Certificate, Certificate of having passed the disease or a Certificate of PCR test or rapid negative antigen test.

    You must prove your health status in relation to COVID-19 with the EU COVID Digital Certificate (*) or official document accrediting:

    - Diagnostic test for active COVID-19 infection with NEGATIVE result: PCR or TMA performed within 72 hours prior to arrival or rapid antigen test (PRAg) performed within 48 hours prior to arrival.

    - Or have received the complete schedule of vaccination against COVID-19 throughout the previous 8 months or a dose (if you have received Janssen it is considered complete schedule) at least 14 days before the trip and always throughout the 4 months previous.

    - Or have overcome SARS-CoV-2 disease within the previous 6 months. If you do not have a CCD-EU, you can provide the result of a positive diagnostic test issued between 11 and 180 days prior to the trip.

    - If upon arrival you DO NOT present the certificate of the COVID-19 diagnostic test with a negative result or the documentation of exemption thereof (*), you have the following options:

    Undergo a rapid antigen test within a maximum period of 48 hours after arrival, in the centers authorized in the Balearic Islands to carry out the tests. You must be in quarantine until you know the result.

    If you refuse to undergo the diagnostic test, you must submit a statement agreeing to be in home quarantine for 10 days. This option does not imply obtaining sick leave.

    (*) If the reason for the displacement is to do tourism or activities not listed in the justified reasons section and it does not prove your health situation, you may be sanctioned.


    Follow the steps below to get the QR code correctly. Once the entire form has been filled in and sent, the system will send a QR code to the email address provided. It must be printed or saved in digital format on an electronic device (mobile phone, tablet, electronic book, etc.) as it must be shown at the sanitary control point of the port of destination.

    Access the FCS health control form in this link: https://viajarabaleares.ibsalut.es/formulario/index.xhtml

The best way to know the prices, schedules and offer each date is to make a search in our ferry booking system of Balearia.